The function randomly selects a fixed number of reference for each subcontinental population present in the 1KG GDS file. When a subcontinental population has less samples than the fixed number, all samples from the subcontinental population are selected.

select1KGPop(gdsReference, nbProfiles)



an object of class gds.class (a GDS file), the opened 1KG GDS file.


a single positive integer representing the number of samples that will be selected for each subcontinental population present in the 1KG GDS file. If the number of samples in a specific subcontinental population is smaller than the nbProfiles, the number of samples selected in this subcontinental population will correspond to the size of this population.


a data.frame containing those columns:

a character string representing the sample identifier.

a character string representing the subcontinental population assigned to the sample.


a character string representing the super-population assigned to the sample.


Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschênes and Alexander Krasnitz


## Required library

## The number of samples needed by subcontinental population
## The number is small for demonstration purpose
nbProfiles <- 5L

## Open 1KG GDS Demo file
## This file only one superpopulation (for demonstration purpose)
dataDir <- system.file("extdata", package="RAIDS")
fileGDS <- file.path(dataDir, "PopulationReferenceDemo.gds")
gdsFileOpen <- openfn.gds(fileGDS, readonly=TRUE)

## Extract a selected number of random samples
## for each subcontinental population
## In the 1KG GDS Demo file, there is one subcontinental population
dataR <- select1KGPop(gdsReference=gdsFileOpen, nbProfiles=nbProfiles)

## Close the 1KG GDS Demo file (important)