The function applies a cut-off filter to the SNP information file to retain only the SNP that have a frequency superior or equal to the specified cut-off in at least one super population. The information about the retained SNPs is saved in a RDS format file. A RDS file containing the indexes of the retained SNP is also created.
generateMapSnvSel(cutOff = 0.01, fileSNV, fileSNPsRDS, fileFREQ)
a single numeric
value, the cut-off
for the frequency in at least one super population. Default: 0.01
a character
string representing the path and
file name of the bulk SNP information file from Reference. The file must
be in text format. The file must exist.
a character
string representing the path and
file name of the RDS file that will contain the indexes of the retained
SNPs. The file extension must be '.rds'.
a character
string representing the path and
file name of the RDS file that will contain the filtered SNP information.
The file extension must be '.rds'.
The integer 0
when successful.
The filtered SNP information RDS file (parameter fileFREQ
), contains
a data.frame
with those columns:
a character
string representing the chromosome where
the SNV is located.
a character
string representing the SNV position on the
a character
string representing the reference DNA base
for the SNV.
a character
string representing the alternative DNA base
for the SNV.
a character
string representing the allele frequency
of the EAS super population.
a character
string representing the allele frequency
of the AFR super population.
a character
string representing the allele frequency
of the AMR super population.
a character
string representing the allele frequency
of the SAS super population.
## Path to the demo pedigree file is located in this package
dataDir <- system.file("extdata", package="RAIDS")
## Demo SNV information file used as input
snvFile <- file.path(dataDir, "matFreqSNV_Demo.txt.bz2")
## Temporary output files
## The first file contains the indexes of the retained SNPs
## The second file contains the filtered SNP information
snpIndexFile <- file.path(tempdir(), "listSNP_TEMP.rds")
filterSNVFile <- file.path(tempdir(), "mapSNVSel_TEMP.rds")
## Create a data.frame containing the information of the retained
## samples (samples with existing genotyping files)
generateMapSnvSel(cutOff=0.01, fileSNV=snvFile,
fileSNPsRDS=snpIndexFile, fileFREQ=filterSNVFile)
#> [1] 0
## Remove temporary files
unlink(snpIndexFile, force=TRUE)
unlink(filterSNVFile, force=TRUE)