The function estimates the allelic fraction of the SNVs for a specific profile and add the information to the associated Profile GDS file. The allelic fraction estimation method is adapted to the type of study (DNA or RNA).
studyType = c("DNA", "RNA"),
minCov = 10L,
minProb = 0.999,
eProb = 0.001,
cutOffLOH = -5,
cutOffHomoScore = -3,
wAR = 9,
cutOffAR = 3,
gdsRefAnnot = NULL,
blockID = NULL,
verbose = FALSE
an object of class gds.class
(a GDS file), the opened Reference GDS file.
an object of class gds.class
(a GDS file), the opened Profile GDS file.
a character
string corresponding to
the sample identifier as used in pruningSample
a character
string corresponding to the name of
the study as
used in pruningSample
a vector
of integer
values representing
the length of the chromosomes. See 'details' section.
a character
string representing the type of study.
The possible choices are: "DNA" and "RNA". The type of study affects the
way the estimation of the allelic fraction is done. Default: "DNA"
a single positive integer
representing the minimum
required coverage. Default: 10L
a single numeric
between 0 and 1 representing the
probability that the calculated genotype call is correct.
Default: 0.999
a single numeric
between 0 and 1 representing the
probability of sequencing error. Default: 0.001
a single numeric
representing the cutoff, in log,
for the homozygote score to assign a region as LOH.
Default: -5
a single numeric
representing the cutoff, in
log, that the SNVs in a block are called homozygote by error.
Default: -3
a single positive integer
representing the size-1 of
the window used to compute an empty box. Default: 9
a single numeric
representing the cutoff, in
log score, that the SNVs in a gene are allelic fraction different 0.5
Default: 3
an object of class gds.class
(a GDS file), the opened Reference SNV Annotation GDS file.
This parameter is RNA specific.
Default: NULL
a character
string corresponding to the block
identifier in gdsRefAnnot
. This parameter is RNA specific.
Default: NULL
a logicial
indicating if the function should print
message when running. Default: FALSE
The integer 0L
when successful.
The chrInfo
parameter contains the length of the chromosomes. The
length of the chromosomes can be obtain through the
As example, for hg38 genome:
## Required library for GDS
## Path to the demo 1KG GDS file located in this package
dataDir <- system.file("extdata/tests", package="RAIDS")
fileGDS <- file.path(dataDir, "ex1_good_small_1KG.gds")
## Profile GDS file for one profile
fileProfile <- file.path(tempdir(), "ex1.gds")
## Copy the Profile GDS file demo that has been pruned and annotated
## into current directory
file.copy(file.path(dataDir, "ex1_demo_with_pruning_and_1KG_annot.gds"),
#> [1] TRUE
## Open the reference GDS file (demo version)
gds1KG <- snpgdsOpen(fileGDS)
## Profile GDS file for one profile
profileGDS <- openfn.gds(fileProfile, readonly=FALSE)
## Required library for this example to run correctly
if (requireNamespace("GenomeInfoDb", quietly=TRUE) &&
requireNamespace("BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38", quietly=TRUE)) {
## Chromosome length information
## chr23 is chrX, chr24 is chrY and chrM is 25
chrInfo <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlengths(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38::Hsapiens)[1:25]
## Estimate the allelic fraction of the pruned SNVs
estimateAllelicFraction(gdsReference=gds1KG, gdsProfile=profileGDS,
currentProfile="ex1", studyID="MYDATA", chrInfo=chrInfo,
studyType="DNA", minCov=10L, minProb=0.999, eProb=0.001,
cutOffLOH=-5, cutOffHomoScore=-3, wAR=9, cutOffAR=3,
gdsRefAnnot=NULL, blockID=NULL)
## The allelic fraction is saved in the 'lap' node of Profile GDS file
## The 'lap' entry should be present
## Close both GDS files (important)
## Remove Profile GDS file (created for demo purpose)
unlink(fileProfile, force=TRUE)