The function runs a PCA analysis using 1 synthetic profile from each sub-continental population. The reference profiles used to create those synthetic profiles are first removed from the list of 1KG reference profiles that generates the reference PCA. Then, the retained synthetic profiles are projected on the 1KG PCA space. Finally, a K-nearest neighbors analysis using a range of K and D values is done.

  np = 1L,
  listCatPop = c("EAS", "EUR", "AFR", "AMR", "SAS"),
  fieldPopInfAnc = "SuperPop",
  kList = seq(2, 15, 1),
  pcaList = seq(2, 15, 1),
  algorithm = c("exact", "randomized"),
  eigenCount = 32L,
  missingRate = 0.025,
  verbose = FALSE



an object of class SNPRelate::SNPGDSFileClass, the opened Profile GDS file.


a vector of character strings representing the identifiers of the 1KG reference profiles that should not be used to create the reference PCA. There should be one per sub-continental population. Those profiles are removed because those have been used to generate the synthetic profiles that are going to be analysed here. The sub-continental identifiers are used as names for the vector.


vector of character strings representing the known super population ancestry for the 1KG profiles. The 1KG profile identifiers are used as names for the vector.


a character string corresponding to the study identifier. The study identifier must be present in the Profile GDS file.


a single positive integer representing the number of threads. Default: 1L.


a vector of character string representing the list of possible ancestry assignations. Default: ("EAS", "EUR", "AFR", "AMR", "SAS").


a character string representing the name of the column that will contain the inferred ancestry for the specified dataset. Default: "SuperPop".


a vector of integer representing the list of values tested for the K parameter. The K parameter represents the number of neighbors used in the K-nearest neighbor analysis. If NULL, the value seq(2,15,1) is assigned. Default: seq(2,15,1).


a vector of integer representing the list of values tested for the D parameter. The D parameter represents the number of dimensions used in the PCA analysis. If NULL, the value seq(2,15,1) is assigned. Default: seq(2,15,1).


a character string representing the algorithm used to calculate the PCA. The 2 choices are "exact" (traditional exact calculation) and "randomized" (fast PCA with randomized algorithm introduced in Galinsky et al. 2016). Default: "exact".


a single integer indicating the number of eigenvectors that will be in the output of the snpgdsPCA function; if 'eigenCount' <= 0, then all eigenvectors are returned. Default: 32L.


a numeric value representing the threshold missing rate at with the SNVs are discarded; the SNVs are retained in the snpgdsPCA function with "<= missingRate" only; if NaN, no missing threshold. Default: 0.025.


a logical indicating if message information should be printed. Default: FALSE.


a list containing the following entries:

a vector of character strings representing the identifiers of the synthetic profiles.


a vector of character strings representing the identifiers of the reference 1KG profiles used to generate the synthetic profiles.


a vector of character strings representing the known ancestry for the reference 1KG profiles used to generate the synthetic profiles.


a data.frame containing 4 columns. The first column '' contains the name of the synthetic profile. The second column 'D' represents the dimension D used to infer the ancestry. The third column 'K' represents the number of neighbors K used to infer the ancestry. The fourth column 'SuperPop' contains the inferred ancestry.


Galinsky KJ, Bhatia G, Loh PR, Georgiev S, Mukherjee S, Patterson NJ, Price AL. Fast Principal-Component Analysis Reveals Convergent Evolution of ADH1B in Europe and East Asia. Am J Hum Genet. 2016 Mar 3;98(3):456-72. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2015.12.022. Epub 2016 Feb 25.


Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschênes and Alexander Krasnitz


## Required library

## Load the known ancestry for the demo 1KG reference profiles

# The name of the synthetic study
studyID <- "MYDATA.Synthetic"

samplesRM <- c("HG00246", "HG00325", "HG00611", "HG01173", "HG02165",
    "HG01112", "HG01615", "HG01968", "HG02658", "HG01850", "HG02013",
    "HG02465", "HG02974", "HG03814", "HG03445", "HG03689", "HG03789",
    "NA12751", "NA19107", "NA18548", "NA19075", "NA19475", "NA19712",
    "NA19731", "NA20528", "NA20908")
names(samplesRM) <- c("GBR", "FIN", "CHS","PUR", "CDX", "CLM", "IBS",
    "PEL", "PJL", "KHV", "ACB", "GWD", "ESN", "BEB", "MSL", "STU", "ITU",
    "CEU", "YRI", "CHB", "JPT", "LWK", "ASW", "MXL", "TSI", "GIH")

## Path to the demo Profile GDS file is located in this package
dataDir <- system.file("extdata/demoKNNSynthetic", package="RAIDS")

## Open the Profile GDS file
gdsProfile <- snpgdsOpen(file.path(dataDir, "ex1.gds"))

## Run a PCA analysis and a K-nearest neighbors analysis on a small set
## of synthetic data
results <- computePoolSyntheticAncestryGr(gdsProfile=gdsProfile,
    sampleRM=samplesRM, studyIDSyn=studyID, np=1L,
    kList=seq(10,15,1), pcaList=seq(10,15,1), eigenCount=15L)

## The ancestry inference for the synthetic data using
## different K and D values
#>  D  K SuperPop
#> 1 1.ex1.HG00246.1 10 10      SAS
#> 2 1.ex1.HG00246.1 10 11      SAS
#> 3 1.ex1.HG00246.1 10 12      SAS
#> 4 1.ex1.HG00246.1 10 13      SAS
#> 5 1.ex1.HG00246.1 10 14      SAS
#> 6 1.ex1.HG00246.1 10 15      EAS

## Close Profile GDS file (important)