This function adds the information about the unrelated patients to the Reference GDS file. More specifically, it creates the field sample.ref which as the value 1 when the sample is unrelated and the value 0 otherwise. The sample.ref is filled based on the information present in the input RDS file.

addRef2GDS1KG(fileNameGDS, filePart)



a character string representing the path and file name of the GDS file that contains the Reference information. The Reference GDS file must contain the SNP information, the genotyping information and the pedigree information from Reference dataset. The extension of the file must be '.gds'.


a character string representing the path and file name of the RDS file that contains the information about the Reference patients that are unrelated. The extension of the file must be '.rds'. The file must exists.


The integer 0L when successful.


Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschênes and Alexander Krasnitz


## Locate RDS with unrelated/related status for 1KG samples
dataDir <- system.file("extdata", package="RAIDS")
rdsFilePath <- file.path(dataDir, "unrelatedPatientsInfo_Demo.rds")

## Create a temporary GDS file in an test directory
dataDir <- system.file("extdata/tests", package="RAIDS")
gdsFilePath <- file.path(dataDir, "GDS_TEMP_201.gds")

## Create and open the GDS file
tmpGDS  <- createfn.gds(filename=gdsFilePath)
## Create "" node (the node must be present)
sampleIDs <- c("HG00104", "HG00109", "HG00110")
add.gdsn(node=tmpGDS, name="", val=sampleIDs)

## Create "" node (the node must be present)
snpIDs <- c("s1", "s2", "s3", "s4", "s5", "s6")
add.gdsn(node=tmpGDS, name="", val=snpIDs)

## Create "snp.position" node (the node must be present)
snpPositions <- c(16102, 51478, 51897, 51927, 54489, 54707)
add.gdsn(node=tmpGDS, name="snp.position", val=snpPositions)

## Create "snp.chromosome" node (the node must be present)
snpPositions <- c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
add.gdsn(node=tmpGDS, name="snp.chromosome", val=snpPositions)

## Create "genotype" node (the node must be present)
genotype <- matrix(rep(1, 18), ncol = 3)
add.gdsn(node=tmpGDS, name="genotype", val=genotype)

## Close GDS file

## Create  "sample.ref" node in GDS file using RDS information
addRef2GDS1KG(fileNameGDS=gdsFilePath, filePart=rdsFilePath)
#> [1] 0

## Read sample reference data.frame
fileGDS <- openfn.gds(gdsFilePath, readonly=TRUE)
read.gdsn(index.gdsn(node=fileGDS, path="sample.ref"))
#> [1] 1 0 0

## Delete the temporary GDS file
unlink(x=gdsFilePath, force=TRUE)