Segmented log ratio data for 5 breast cancer genomes, derived using Representational Oligonucleotide Microarray Analysis (ROMA) platform. ROMA detects genomic amplifications and deletions with boundaries defined at a resolution of 50 kb. In this segmented table, each row represents a segment.



a data.frame with 479 rows/segments and 12 columns/variables:

  • ID a character vector of profile IDs

  • start a numeric vector (segment start probe number)

  • end a numeric vector (segment end probe number)

  • num.probes a numeric vector (number of probes in the segment)

  • seg.median a numeric vector (median log ratio)

  • chrom a numeric vector (chromosome number)

  • chrom.pos.start a numeric vector (genomic start)

  • chrom.pos.end a numeric vector (genomic end)

  • cytoband.start a character vector (cytogenetic band start)

  • cytoband.end a character vector (cytogenetic band end)

  • abs.pos.start a numeric vector (genomic start, absolute)

  • abs.pos.end a numeric vector (genomic end, absolute)


Hicks, J. et al. Novel patterns of genome rearrangement and their association with survival in breast cancer. Genome Res. 2006. 16:1465–1479. doi: 10.1101/gr.5460106


a data.frame with 479 rows/segments and 12 columns/variables:

  • ID a character vector of profile IDs

  • start a numeric vector (segment start probe number)

  • end a numeric vector (segment end probe number)

  • num.probes a numeric vector (number of probes in the segment)

  • seg.median a numeric vector (median log ratio)

  • chrom a numeric vector (chromosome number)

  • chrom.pos.start a numeric vector (genomic start)

  • chrom.pos.end a numeric vector (genomic end)

  • cytoband.start a character vector (cytogenetic band start)

  • cytoband.end a character vector (cytogenetic band end)

  • abs.pos.start a numeric vector (genomic start, absolute)

  • abs.pos.end a numeric vector (genomic end, absolute)


Segment medians are computed from log copy number ratio. The corresponding raw data table is ratexample in this package.

See also

  • CNpreprocessing for pre-process DNA copy number (CN) data for detection of CN events.

  • applyCNPmask for applying a mask to a table of copy number events.


## Loading log ratio dataset data(segexample) ## Load datasets data(segexample) data(ratexample) data(normsegs) ## Preprocess segments for WZ2 sample segtable <- CNpreprocessing(segall=segexample[segexample[,"ID"] == "WZ2",], ratall = ratexample, idCol = "ID", startCol = "start", endCol = "end", chromCol = "chrom", bpStartCol = "chrom.pos.start", bpEndCol = "chrom.pos.end", blsize = 50, minJoin = 0.25, cWeight = 0.4, bsTimes = 30, chromRange = 1:22, nJobs = 1, modelNames = "E", normalLength = normsegs[,1], normalMedian = normsegs[,2])