Whole genome annotation table using Representational Oligonucleotide Microarray Analysis (ROMA) CGH platform, human genome version 17.



a data.frame with 83055 observations on the following 3 variables.


a character vector of probe names.


a numeric vector, used as integer, of chromosome positions.


a numeric vector, used as integer, of genomic positions.


GEO accession GPL9775, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GPL9775


a data.frame with 83055 observations on the following 3 variables.


a character vector of probe names.


a numeric vector, used as integer, of chromosome positions.


a numeric vector, used as integer, of genomic positions.


The values in the chromosome column are all integer, with 23 corresponding to X, 24 to Y and 25 to a set of non-human test probes.

See also

  • CNpreprocessing for pre-process DNA copy number (CN) data for detection of CN events.

  • makeCNPmask for creating a mask given a set of copy number events.

  • applyCNPmask for applying a mask to a set of copy number events.


## Loading annotation table dataset data(annotexample) ## Loading other datasets data(ratexample) data(segexample) data(normsegs) ## How to use annotexample, when segment table does not have columns ## of integer postions in terms of measuring units(probes), such ## as "mysegs" below mysegs <- segexample[,c(1,5:12)] ## Analysis limited to chromosomes 1 and 2 ## The bsTimes variable should be higher for a real analysis segtable <- CNpreprocessing(segall=mysegs, ratall=ratexample, idCol="ID", chromCol="chrom", bpStartCol="chrom.pos.start", bpEndCol="chrom.pos.end", annot=annotexample, annotStartCol="CHROM.POS", annotEndCol="CHROM.POS", annotChromCol = "CHROM", blsize = 50, minJoin = 0.25, cWeight = 0.4, bsTimes = 3, chromRange = 1:2, nJobs = 1, modelNames = "E", normalLength = normsegs[,1], normalMedian = normsegs[,2])