Read a narrowPeak file and extract the narrow regions and/or the peaks, as specified by used. The narrowPeak file must fit the UCSC specifications. See for more details. The file can have one or many header lines. However, the total number of header lines must be inferior to 250 lines.

readNarrowPeakFile(file_path, extractRegions = TRUE, extractPeaks = TRUE)



the name of the file.


a logical indicating if the narrow regions must be extracted. If TRUE, a GRanges containing the narrow regions will be returned. Otherwise, NULL is returned. Default = TRUE.


a logical indicating if the peaks must be extracted. If TRUE, a GRanges containing the peaks will be returned. Otherwise, NULL is returned. Default = TRUE.


a list containing 2 entries:

  • narrowPeak a GRanges containing the narrow regions extracted from the file. NULL when not needed by user.

  • peak a GRanges containing the peaks extracted from the file. NULL when not


Astrid Deschênes


## Set file information
test_narrowPeak <- system.file("extdata",
            package = "consensusSeekeR")

## Read file to extract peaks and regions
data <- readNarrowPeakFile(test_narrowPeak, extractRegions = TRUE,
            extractPeaks = TRUE)

## To access peak data (GRanges format)
#> GRanges object with 6 ranges and 6 metadata columns:
#>       seqnames    ranges strand |                   name     score signalValue
#>          <Rle> <IRanges>  <Rle> |            <character> <numeric>   <numeric>
#>   [1]     chr1    846687      * | peaks/Hosa_A549_FOSL..        57     5.59984
#>   [2]     chr1    856112      * | peaks/Hosa_A549_FOSL..        43     5.16770
#>   [3]     chr1    856643      * | peaks/Hosa_A549_FOSL..        33     4.65093
#>   [4]     chr1    873964      * | peaks/Hosa_A549_FOSL..       189     9.91576
#>   [5]     chr1    878672      * | peaks/Hosa_A549_FOSL..        33     4.65093
#>   [6]     chr1    881440      * | peaks/Hosa_A549_FOSL..        29     4.03975
#>          pValue    qValue      peak
#>       <numeric> <numeric> <integer>
#>   [1]   8.75159   5.77648        98
#>   [2]   7.21902   4.33609       108
#>   [3]   6.18592   3.38310        96
#>   [4]  22.37844  18.94888       314
#>   [5]   6.18592   3.38310       217
#>   [6]   5.68403   2.92251       143
#>   -------
#>   seqinfo: 2 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

## To access region data (GRanges format)
#> GRanges object with 6 ranges and 6 metadata columns:
#>       seqnames        ranges strand |                   name     score
#>          <Rle>     <IRanges>  <Rle> |            <character> <numeric>
#>   [1]     chr1 846589-846847      * | peaks/Hosa_A549_FOSL..        57
#>   [2]     chr1 856004-856159      * | peaks/Hosa_A549_FOSL..        43
#>   [3]     chr1 856547-856768      * | peaks/Hosa_A549_FOSL..        33
#>   [4]     chr1 873650-874067      * | peaks/Hosa_A549_FOSL..       189
#>   [5]     chr1 878455-878768      * | peaks/Hosa_A549_FOSL..        33
#>   [6]     chr1 881297-881473      * | peaks/Hosa_A549_FOSL..        29
#>       signalValue    pValue    qValue      peak
#>         <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <integer>
#>   [1]     5.59984   8.75159   5.77648        98
#>   [2]     5.16770   7.21902   4.33609       108
#>   [3]     4.65093   6.18592   3.38310        96
#>   [4]     9.91576  22.37844  18.94888       314
#>   [5]     4.65093   6.18592   3.38310       217
#>   [6]     4.03975   5.68403   2.92251       143
#>   -------
#>   seqinfo: 2 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths